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Our parents, trustees, grandparents, alumni families, and friends champion Sonoma Country Day School and advance the mission in remarkable ways every day by providing volunteer, financial, and moral support. We invite you to browse our website to see firsthand how philanthropy has helped build SCDS into one of the nation's finest independent schools.

Like all independent schools, we raise funds to support faculty, students, programs, and activities. The Annual Giving Program is our number one philanthropic priority and the first gift we ask of all members of our school community, as tuition covers only part of our annual per student expenditure.

Other ways to support our school include special events, major gifts, and planned giving. Please consider a tax-deductible gift to one of our giving programs. To learn more about various giving options, read more about our different programs below or contact our Director of Development, Elizabeth Gleadall, at 707.284.3220.

List of 1 news stories.

  • Annual Giving

    Contributing to Annual Giving is the way in which parents, trustees, grandparents, alumni families, and friends keep our school at the forefront of providing an outstanding education to our students. The Annual Giving Program is our number one philanthropic priority and the first gift we ask of all members of our school community, as tuition covers only part of our annual per student expenditure. We rely on Annual Giving donations for 10% of the budget which translates to approximately $3,946 per student. 
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List of 1 news stories.

  • Major Gifts Program

    Sonoma Country Day School has a variety of funds established by donors for either a specific purpose or to support a designated program. Assets in these funds are temporarily or permanently restricted according to the donor’s wishes. Our four strategic priorities are Sustain and Steward, Cultivate Innovation, Nurture Faculty, and Fulfill a Public Purpose.
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List of 1 news stories.

  • Planned Giving

    We encourage planned gifts as a way to provide resources for the future of the school. In many cases, a deferred gift enables donors to leave more of their estate to their loved ones while, at the same time, make a more significant contribution than would be possible through an outright gift. Planned gifts may offer significant benefits, including income tax savings, estate and gift tax savings, a lifetime income stream, and property maintenance relief. Examples include bequests, charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts, and gifts of real estate or life insurance.
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Sonoma Country Day School

4400 Day School Place
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
phone: 707.284.3200
fax: 707.284.3254
Email | Directions

We are…

The premier, fully accredited, independent TK-8 college preparatory school in Sonoma County. Located in northern Santa Rosa and proud home of The Jackson Theater, SCDS offers a challenging academic program rich in fine and performing arts, music, world languages, and social and emotional learning. For more than thirty years SCDS has been the school that brings learning to life.